“Your wedding should be as original and individual as you are.”
It is important that your day is captured in images that you can enjoy for years to come, we will make sure details and moments that people don’t see are pictured allowing you to revisit them over and over again.
Our style is fun with a blend of romantic, artistic and documentary, so we will get involved in your day and we won't sit in the background hoping for something to happen. We don't label our pictures ‘fine art’, although we can frame them for you.
It’s normal for us to arrive at breakfast time and not leave until we have photographed you and your guests dancing into the night.
Our prices start around 1600e for the two of us, although we are happy to quote for shorter periods. Dependant on schedule and weather a full day would normally include:
Location preparations
Bride & Groom preparations
Bride & Groom with car, if applicable
Ceremony, blessing, or service
Coverage of cocktails, guests mingling
Confetti or sparkler photographs
Bride & Groom pictures
Specific and moody pictures
Any specific guests and groups
The speeches
The cake
The first dance
We can also photograph you and your guests the night before your wedding and again the morning after your wedding for some different fun type pictures. Just let us know if that is something that interests you.
Engagement Shoots and Personalised Wedding Guest Books…
Finally, we can present your pictures in a beautiful lay-flat wedding album to display your memories forever.
Prices vary depending on size and style, so don’t hesitate to ask for more information.